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Runtime Configuration


Caliper relies on the nconf package to provide a flexible and hierarchical configuration mechanism for runtime-related settings. Hierarchical configuration means that a runtime setting can be set or overridden from multiple sources/locations, and there is a priority order among them.

In general, a setting is a simple string key associated with some value. However, it is highly recommended to compose the keys in a way that follows the place of the module in the hierarchy that uses the setting. Consider the following key, for example:


The key consists of several parts that makes it easy to identify the purpose of the setting: it is used in Caliper, by the Fabric connector, it is a timeout-related setting that specifies the timeout to use for transaction invocations or queries. Every setting key in Caliper follows the same convention.

The rule of thumb is to use lowercase letters (maybe numbers), and the hierarchy should be denoted by dashes (-) as separator.

Every setting used by Caliper is prefixed with the caliper- string. The prefix serves as a namespace for the internal settings of Caliper modules. It also prevents name collisions since the configuration mechanism parses every setting available from the various sources, some intended, for example, to the underlying SDK modules or the workload modules.


For every available runtime setting, refer to the last section.

Setting sources

Caliper supports the following sources/locations where runtime settings can be set/overridden, in priority order, starting with the highest priority:

  1. Memory
  2. Command line arguments
  3. Environment variables
  4. Project-level configuration file
  5. User-level configuration file
  6. Machine-level configuration file
  7. Fallback/default configuration file

For simplicity, you can think of the above order as the following: the “closer” the setting is set to its point of use, the higher the priority of the set value.

In-memory settings

If some component (Caliper-related, or user provided) sets a setting during runtime (using the configuration API), then that value will have priority over any other source/location that might have also set the same setting.

The simple configuration API is provided by the ConfigUtil module of the caliper-core package. It exports a simple get and set method:

  • get(key:string, fallbackValue:any) => any

    Returns the value of the setting associated with the given key. If the setting is not set from any sources, then the fallbackValue is returned.

  • set(key:string, value:any)

    Sets the value for the settings associated with the given key. It will overwrite any other value set by other sources.

For example:

const { ConfigUtil } = require('@hyperledger/caliper-core');

// retrieves a setting for your module, if not set, use some default
const shouldBeFast = ConfigUtil.get('mymodule-performance-shoudbefast', /*default:*/ true);

if (shouldBeFast) { /* ... */ } else { /* ... */ }

The above code also shows how a plugin module can easily leverage Caliper’s configuration mechanism. Since the mymodule-performance-shoudbefast setting is queried through the configuration API, setting it from various sources automatically became possible (see the next sections for details).


Thus adding a flexible runtime setting to any module requires only to query that setting through the configuration API when you need it (with the desired default/fallback value).

Command line arguments

If we wish to influence the behavior of a third-party code (e.g., Caliper or a user callback module), we usually can’t (or don’t want to) overwrite the setting in the source code. A standard way of modifying the behavior of third-party/pre-packaged applications is to provide the settings as commandline arguments.

Starting Caliper through the CLI, you can override runtime settings the following way:

caliper launch manager \
    --caliper-workspace yourworkspace/ \
    --caliper-benchconfig yourconfig.yaml \
    --caliper-networkconfig yournetwork.yaml \

The arguments will be converted to lower-case letters and every _ character will be replaced with -. So the above command can be written in a more user friendly way:

caliper launch manager \
    --caliper-workspace yourworkspace/ \
    --caliper-benchconfig yourconfig.yaml \
    --caliper-networkconfig yournetwork.yaml \

Both ways will result in the setting key mymodule-performance-shoudbefast associated with the boolean value true.

Note, that nconf will automatically parse values of common types, so the true and false values will be parsed (and returned by get) as boolean values. This also holds for (both integer and floating point) numbers.

Moreover, boolean values can be specified as flags, without explicitly setting the true or false value (note the no- prefix for the second case):

  • Setting a key to true:

      caliper launch manager \
          --caliper-workspace yourworkspace/ \
          --caliper-benchconfig yourconfig.yaml \
          --caliper-networkconfig yournetwork.yaml \

  • Setting a key to false (note the no- prefix):

      caliper launch manager \
          --caliper-workspace yourworkspace/ \
          --caliper-benchconfig yourconfig.yaml \
          --caliper-networkconfig yournetwork.yaml \
    Command line arguments overwrite the settings set in locations of the next sections.

Environment variables

If Caliper is part of a scripted environment, then it would be cumbersome to modify the script to pass command line arguments to Caliper. The standard approach in these scenarios is to use environment variables.

The example setting can be set the following way using an environment variable:


# calling some script containing the following command
caliper launch manager \
    --caliper-workspace yourworkspace/ \
    --caliper-benchconfig yourconfig.yaml \
    --caliper-networkconfig yournetwork.yaml

Note the standard notation of environment variable setting: upper-case letters separated by _ characters. Caliper performs the same transformation as with command line arguments: the variable names will be converted to lower-case letters and every _ character will be replaced with -. So the above setting will also result in the setting key mymodule-performance-shoudbefast associated with the boolean value true.

Configuration files

Depending on the scenario, users may want to change multiple runtime settings. Using command line arguments and environment variables to change multiple settings can become cumbersome.

Using configuration files is a standard way of overriding multiple settings in a manageable way. Caliper provides multiple configuration “locations” where you can insert configuration files into the settings hierarchy. These locations also follow the “closer one wins” semantic of the hierarchical configuration mechanism.

Moreover, YAML-based configuration files allow comments that make your configuration choices self-documenting and self-contained.

Note, that no additional transformation is performed on the key names of a YAML file, they are simply concatenated with - to get a flat string key from the object hierarchy.

So the hierarchical setting

    shouldbefast: true

will be parsed as the mymodule-performance-shouldbefast string key associated with the true Boolean values.


If you have a group of settings that are always overridden in your Caliper benchmark project, then it is recommended to define them as a project-level configuration file. This file will usually consist of a subset of settings defined in the default configuration file (and probably your custom settings associated with your custom user module).

The project-level configuration file can be included into the hierarchy in two ways:

  • Define the overridden settings in the caliper.yaml file in the workspace directory
  • Or set the path of the configuration file explicitly through the caliper-projectconfig setting key using one of the higher priority locations above (i.e., in-memory, command line argument or environment variable):
    • The command line approach:
      caliper launch manager \
          --caliper-workspace yourworkspace/ \
          --caliper-benchconfig yourconfig.yaml \
          --caliper-networkconfig yournetwork.yaml \
          --Caliper-ProjectConfig mypath/project1-config.yaml
    • The environment variable approach:
      export CALIPER_PROJECTCONFIG=mypath/project1-config.yaml
      caliper launch manager \
          --caliper-workspace yourworkspace/ \
          --caliper-benchconfig yourconfig.yaml \
          --caliper-networkconfig yournetwork.yaml

Note that project-level settings will override the settings defined by the locations of the next sections.


If you find yourself overriding the same settings for multiple Caliper benchmark projects, then it is recommended to extract the common settings into a user-level configuration file. To include a user-level configuration file into the hierarchy, specify its path through the caliper-userconfig settings key using one of the higher priority locations above (i.e., in-memory, command line argument, environment variable or the project-level configuration file):

- The command line approach:
caliper launch manager \
    --caliper-workspace yourworkspace/ \
    --caliper-benchconfig yourconfig.yaml \
    --caliper-networkconfig yournetwork.yaml \
    --Caliper-UserConfig ~/.config/my-caliper-config.yaml
- The environment variable approach:
    export CALIPER_USERCONFIG=~/.config/my-caliper-config.yaml
    caliper launch manager \
        --caliper-workspace yourworkspace/ \
        --caliper-benchconfig yourconfig.yaml \
        --caliper-networkconfig yournetwork.yaml
- The configuration file approach (excerpt from the project-level configuration file):
userconfig: ~/.config/my-caliper-config.yaml
# additional settings


If multiple users use the same workstation and want to share common settings across Caliper projects and users, then a machine-level configuration file can be included into the hierarchy by specifying its path through the caliper-machineconfig settings key using one of the higher priority locations above (i.e., command line argument, environment variable, project- or user-level configuration files): - The command line approach:

    caliper launch manager \
        --caliper-workspace yourworkspace/ \
        --caliper-benchconfig yourconfig.yaml \
        --caliper-networkconfig yournetwork.yaml \
        --Caliper-MachineConfig /etc/config/caliper.yaml
- The environment variable approach:
    export CALIPER_MACHINECONFIG=/etc/config/caliper.yaml
    caliper launch manager \
        --caliper-workspace yourworkspace/ \
        --caliper-benchconfig yourconfig.yaml \
        --caliper-networkconfig yournetwork.yaml
- The configuration file approach (excerpt from the project- or user-level configuration file):
        machineconfig: /etc/config/caliper.yaml
    # additional settings

Default configuration

A default/fallback configuration file is shipped with the Caliper-related packages that defines sensible fallback values and documentation for each available setting used by the Caliper modules. This configuration file has the lowest priority among the supported setting locations.

Available settings


Always refer to the self-documenting default configuration file for the currently supported runtime configuration settings.

Basic settings

Key Description
caliper-benchconfig Path to the benchmark configuration file that describes the test worker(s), test rounds and monitors.
caliper-networkconfig Path to the network configuration file that contains information required to interact with the SUT.
caliper-machineconfig The file path for the machine-level configuration file. Can be relative to the workspace.
caliper-projectconfig The file path for the project-level configuration file. Can be relative to the workspace.
caliper-userconfig The file path for the user-level configuration file. Can be relative to the workspace.
caliper-workspace Workspace directory that contains all configuration information
caliper-progress-reporting-enabled Boolean value for enabling transaction completion progress display by the Caliper manager process
caliper-progress-reporting-interval Numeric value used to specify the caliper progress update frequency, in milliseconds

Binding settings

Key Description
caliper-bind-args The additional args to pass to the binding (i.e., npm install) command.
caliper-bind-cwd The CWD to use for the binding (i.e., npm install) command.
caliper-bind-file The path of a custom binding configuration file that will override the default one.
caliper-bind-sut The binding specification of the SUT in the <SUT type>:<SDK version> format.

Reporting settings

Key Description
caliper-report-charting-hue The HUE value to construct the chart color scheme from.
caliper-report-charting-scheme The color scheme method to use for producing chart colors.
caliper-report-charting-transparency The transparency value [0..1] to use for the charts.
caliper-report-options The options object to pass to fs.writeFile.
caliper-report-path The absolute or workspace-relative path of the generated report file.
caliper-report-precision Precision (significant digits) for the numbers in the report.

Logging settings

Key Description
caliper-logging-formats-align Adds a tab delimiter before the messages to align them in the same place.
caliper-logging-formats-attributeformat-\ Specifies the formatting string for the log message attribute <attribute>.
caliper-logging-formats-json Indicates that the logs should be serialized in JSON format.
caliper-logging-formats-label Adds a specified label to every message. Useful for distributed worker scenario.
caliper-logging-formats-pad Pads the log level strings to be the same length.
caliper-logging-formats-timestamp Adds a timestamp to the messages with the specified format.
caliper-logging-formats-colorize-all Indicates that all log message attributes must be colorized.
caliper-logging-formats-colorize-\ Indicates that log message attribute <attribute> must be colorized.
caliper-logging-formats-colorize-colors-\ Sets the color for the log messages with level <level>.
caliper-logging-targets-\-enabled Sets whether the target transport <target> is enabled or disabled.
caliper-logging-template Specifies the message structure through placeholders.

Worker management settings

Key Description
caliper-worker-communication-method Indicates the type of the communication between the manager and workers.
caliper-worker-communication-address The address of the MQTT broker used for distributed worker management.
caliper-worker-pollinterval The interval for polling for new available workers, in milliseconds.
caliper-worker-remote Indicates whether the workers operate in distributed mode.

Benchmark phase settings

Key Description
caliper-flow-only-end Indicates whether to only perform the end command script in the network configuration file.
caliper-flow-only-init Indicates whether to only perform the init phase of the benchmark.
caliper-flow-only-install Indicates whether to only perform the smart contract install phase of the benchmark.
caliper-flow-only-start Indicates whether to only perform the start command script in the network configuration file.
caliper-flow-only-test Indicates whether to only perform the test phase of the benchmark.
caliper-flow-skip-end Indicates whether to skip the end command script in the network configuration file.
caliper-flow-skip-init Indicates whether to skip the init phase of the benchmark.
caliper-flow-skip-install Indicates whether to skip the smart contract install phase of the benchmark.
caliper-flow-skip-start Indicates whether to skip the start command script in the network configuration file.
caliper-flow-skip-test Indicates whether to skip the test phase of the benchmark.

Authentication settings

Key Description
caliper-auth-prometheus-username Basic authentication username to use authenticate with an existing Prometheus server.
caliper-auth-prometheus-password Basic authentication password to use authenticate with an existing Prometheus server.
caliper-auth-prometheuspush-username Basic authentication username to use authenticate with an existing Prometheus Push Gateway.
caliper-auth-prometheuspush-password Basic authentication password to use authenticate with an existing Prometheus Push Gateway.

Fabric Connector settings

In the following table, The 1.4 Refers to 1.4 SUT without the caliper-fabric-gateway-enabled specified and 1.4Gateway Refers to 1.4 SUT with the caliper-fabric-gateway-enabled specified. All means that all the SUT versions support this option

Key SUT Version Description
caliper-fabric-timeout-invokeorquery All The default timeout in seconds to use for invoking or querying transactions. Default is 60 seconds.
caliper-fabric-gateway-enabled 1.4 Indicates whether to use the Fabric gateway-based SDK API for the 1.4 Fabric SUT. Default is false.
caliper-fabric-gateway-localhost 1.4Gateway, 2.2 Indicates whether to convert discovered endpoints to localhost. Does not apply if discover is set to false in network config. Default is true.
caliper-fabric-gateway-querystrategy 1.4Gateway, 2.2 Sets the query strategy to use for 2.2 and 1.4 when gateway is enabled. Default is Round Robin.
caliper-fabric-gateway-eventstrategy 1.4Gateway, 2.2 Sets the event strategy to use for 2.2 and 1.4 when gateway is enabled. Default is any in Invoker Organisation.
caliper-fabric-latencythreshold 1.4 Determines the reported commit time of a transaction based on the given percentage of event sources.
caliper-fabric-loadbalancing 1.4 Determines how automatic load balancing is applied.
caliper-fabric-verify-proposalresponse 1.4 Indicates whether to verify the received proposal responses.
caliper-fabric-verify-readwritesets 1.4 Indicates whether to verify that the read-write sets returned by the endorsers match.

Supported Event Strategies

A description of the different types of event strategy for both the 1.4 and 2.2 SUT can be found here

To select an event strategy set the property caliper-fabric-gateway-eventstrategy to one of the following

Strategy Corresponds to

for example using a flag on the cli to set to have all peers in the network report that the transaction was committed you would specify

--caliper-fabric-gateway-eventstrategy network_all

The default is msp_any

Supported Query Strategies

A description of the different types of query strategy for both the 1.4 and 2.2 SUT can be found here

To select a query strategy set the property caliper-fabric-gateway-querystrategy to one of the following

Strategy Corresponds to

for example using a flag on the cli to set to have all peers in the network report that the transaction was committed you would specify

--caliper-fabric-gateway-querystrategy msp_single

The default is msp_round_robin


The Caliper codebase is released under the Apache 2.0 license. Any documentation developed by the Caliper Project is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. You may obtain a copy of the license, titled CC-BY-4.0, at